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Contact Us

Prospective Clients 
Initial Strategy Meeting and Consultation

The initial consultation and strategy meeting is approximately thirty (30) minutes, and you will speak with one of the attorneys who will review your case, assess your potential issues, and develop a legal strategy for your matter. Because of the complex nature of family matters, confidentiality considerations, and the valuable insights given during your consultation, we charge $150.00 for the attorney's services.


We offer a variety of payment arrangements to accommodate every budget.  We look forward to hearing from you and assisting you with your legal needs.

Attorney Fees and Retainer Amount

For qualifying clients, we offer a reduced retainer with an ongoing payment plan that allows you to start services, and then spreads your legal payments for ongoing services over time, keeping your retainer funded.


For example, if you qualify for a reduced retainer + payment plan, you will be expected to pay $1,500.00 retainer, and then start a bi-weekly payment of $150.00 within 4 weeks of your initial retainer payment. Usually, this payment begins after you have received your first month's invoice, and it allows you to more effectively manage your legal fees going onward. The payment plan helps “build your war chest” as we move towards trial.


We provide personal legal services and recognize that we are often assisting you in what feels like the darkest and most hopeless time of your lives. We are respectful of your resources and try to be as efficient as possible to prevent unreasonable fees, and we want to make your case as affordable as possible without adding further devastation to your life.

Current Clients

If you are a current client with the firm, please select a link below to schedule a meeting. 














Mailing Address
704 S. State Road 135
Suite D #287
Greenwood, IN 46143

Tel   (317) 721-8044
Fax  (317) 454-1342

Appointment Only

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704 S. State Road 135 Suite D #287 Greenwood, IN 46143

© 2016 by Cox & Koons, LLP

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